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Methodist Church

Information about the methodist church

Summary – This page will host new information about plans for the former Methodist Church in Freeland, located next to the Village Hall. Posts are in reverse order, with the most recent first.

Update: 14 August 2023 – Freeland Parish Council has submitted the comments below to the Planning Inspectorate, in response to the appeal statement, also attached. This is in relation to the Methodist Circuit’s appeal against WODC’s recent refusal to allow the church’s change of use to a residential dwelling (WODC ref: 23/00015/APPEAL; Planning Inspectorate ref: APP/D3125/W/23/3315925).


Update: 17 July 2023 – Notification has been received that the Methodist Circuit will be appealing WODC’s refusal to permit the church’s change of use to a residential dwelling. The appeal documents were submitted on 2 February, and a written appeal rather than a hearing has been requested. Documents can be found here. The main appeal statement is here.

Update: 16 November 2022 – WODC refused application 22/02377/FUL to turn the former Methodist Church in Freeland into a residence.

Update: 3 October 2022 – Freeland Parish Council submitted the following objection to this proposal to turn the former Methodist Church in Freeland into a residence.


Update: 23 August 2022 – The Methodist Circuit submitted an application to turn the former Methodist Church into a domestic residence (ref: 22/02377/FUL). Comments from the community are encouraged. Please note – planning permission for this building has already been secured by Freeland Community Benefit Society as a third party (ref: 22/01956/FUL) on 1 September 2022 for change of use to shop and cafe, and local community uses.

Update: 8 May 2019 – WODC refused an application by the Methodist Circuit to obtain change of use for the Methodist Church for change of use to a residential dwelling (ref: 18/03423/FUL). The submission from Freeland Parish Council is below.


Update: 25 January 2018 – WODC approved an application from Freeland Community Benefit Society as a third party (ref: 18/00018/FUL) on 22 February 2022, for change of use to shop and cafe, and local community uses.


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