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Salt Cross Garden Village

Information about Salt Cross Garden Village

Salt Cross is a garden village being proposed for 2,200 house north of Eynsham on the opposite (north) side of the A40. The development has the potential to affect Freeland significantly due to increased traffic and encroachment. In the Freeland survey conducted earlier this year, the average level of concern from a score of 1 (no concern) to 10 (most concern) was 7, with lack of information and fear of the unknown the main issue.

To address this, Freeland Parish Council organised an information meeting on 14 October 2022.

Please find a video recording of the meeting, and the slides presented by Andrea Clenton (Principal Planner ‑ Major Development & Appeals with West Oxfordshire District Council) and Councillor Dan Levy (WODC and Oxfordshire County Councillor, and Eynsham resident).

Please also find a message from West Oxfordshire District Councillor about how to express your Net Zero aspirations for the Salt Cross development.


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